Monday, May 17, 2010

Party Time!

So, I'm looking all handsome after my visit to the salon and I hear about these 2 hot twins just up the road. Their parents are out of town for the weekend so it is P-A-R-T-Y TIME!

When I get to their house there's this Gnome dude outside.

I figure he is familiar with the layout of the place and where the party is gonna be. He tells me I gotta get past some other members of the family before I can get to the twins. I figure no problem, I can charm my way in. But when I meet these two, it scares me cause " WOOF", they are a couple of real dogs!

But I gotta admit after some sniffin around Nellie Roo and Bleeker were all right with me, and I hear they can tear up a party themselves!

So I was eager to see these beautiful girls I heard about and got the dogs to let me in the house. Seems that they have a magic door just our size to get in and out! COOL>>

My new buddies tell me to take a nap, cause when the girls get here we will party like I never have before!So we take a little nap and then it happens....the most beautiful girls I have ever seen walk in!

They look like a couple of princesses and they are all mine baby! See how they are lookin at me? They can't wait for the party to get started. But first they got some chores for me to do. I guess their idea of a party is a little different than mine, but what the heck...what do we do first?

So they make me do the gardening...and dig up some vegetables for dinner!
Then they make me grill everything for them. I ain't sure I'm liking this much, what am I their servant?

And for my final humiliation, they teach me to freakin knit! I mean really????What language are these instructions in? K1P2Slp1K1Psso? This is some kind of secret code.

I figure I have done everything they asked and now it's really party time...bring on the booze and the babes! BUT NOOOOO, they musta put something in my drink cause I wake up in a bag on the front porch the next day with no memory of what went on at that party. I either need another drink or some asprin!

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